Source code for simulations.statsparser

""" Handle the parsing and aggregation of simulation results


      main statistics parsing class


import cPickle
import os
import sys

from simulations.base import Base
from simulations.base import withoptions

[docs]class StatsParser(Base): """ Base class for parsing result files. Keyword Parameters: option_error_handler An error handler for the :py:class:`~simulations.utils.optionparser.OptionParser` option_exit_handler An exit handler for the :py:class:`~simulations.utils.optionparser.OptionParser` Public Methods: :py:meth:`~StatsParser.go` Kick off parsing the results Methods to Implement: :py:meth:`~simulations.base.Base._add_listeners` Add listeners for various parsing events Events: done(this, out) emitted when results are totally done go(this) emitted when the :py:meth:`~StatsRunner.go` method is called oparser set up(this) emitted after the :py:class:`~simulations.utils.optionparser.OptionParser` is set up and able to add options options parsed(this) emitted after the :py:class:`~simulations.utils.optionparser.OptionParser` has parsed arguments result(this, out, duplication, result) emitted when a result is ready to be interpreted result options(this, out, options) emitted when the simulation runner options are ready to be interpreted """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwdargs): """ Sets up the parsing aparatus Keyword Parameters: option_error_handler An error handler for the :py:class:`~simulations.utils.optionparser.OptionParser` option_exit_handler An exit handler for the :py:class:`~simulations.utils.optionparser.OptionParser` """ super(StatsParser, self).__init__(*args, **kwdargs)
[docs] def go(self, **kwdargs): """ Pass off the parsing of the results file after some data manipulation Keyword Parameters: option_args arguments to pass to the :py:class:`~simulations.utils.optionparser.OptionParser`. Defaults to sys.argv[1:]. option_values target of option parsing (probably should not use) """ self.emit('go', self) if 'option_args' in kwdargs: option_args = kwdargs['option_args'] else: option_args = None if 'option_values' in kwdargs: option_values = kwdargs['option_values'] else: option_values = None (self.options, self.args) = self.oparser.parse_args(args=option_args, values=option_values) self._check_base_options() self.emit('options parsed', self) with open(self.options.stats_file, "rb") as statsfile: if self.options.out_file: if self.options.verbose: print "Sending output to {0}...".format(self.options.out_file) with open(self.options.out_file, "w") as out: self._go(statsfile, out) self.emit('done', self, out) else: if self.options.verbose: print "Sending output to stdout..." self._go(statsfile, sys.stdout) self.emit('done', self, sys.stdout)
[docs] def _go(self, statsfile, out): """ Actually parses the data Parameters: statsfile a file object for the file to parse out the output target (either a file object or sys.stdout) """ count = -1 pickle = "" if self.options.verbose: print "Beginning processing of stats file..." for line in statsfile: if line == "\n": if self.options.verbose: print "Entry boundary encountered." count += 1 if count == 0: if self.options.verbose: print "Emitting 'result options'." self.emit('result options', self, out, cPickle.loads(pickle) ) else: if self.options.verbose: print "Emitting 'result'." self.emit('result', self, out, count, cPickle.loads(pickle)) pickle = "" if self.options.verbose: print "Prepared for next entry." else: pickle += line if count < 1: raise ValueError("Stats file contained no duplication results") elif self.options.verbose: resstr = "Processing done. Entries for {0} duplications found." print resstr.format(count)
[docs] def _set_base_options(self): """ Set up the basic :py:class:`~simulations.utils.optionparser.OptionParser` options Options: -F FILE, --statsfile=FILE File name of the results file -O FILE, --outfile=FILE File to which to print data -V, --verbose Print detailed output to stdout as things are processed """ self.oparser.add_option("-F", "--statsfile", action="store", dest="stats_file", default="./output/aggregate", help="file holding aggregate stats") self.oparser.add_option("-O", "--outfile", action="store", dest="out_file", default=None, help="file to which to print data") self.oparser.add_option("-V", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="detailed output?")
[docs] def _check_base_options(self): """ Verify the values passed to the base options Checks: - Stats file exists """ file_exists = os.path.isfile(self.options.stats_file) if not self.options.stats_file or not file_exists: self.oparser.error("The stats file specified does not exist")
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