Source code for simulations.simulation_runner

""" Handler for running simulations in a multiprocessing environment


      Handles option parsing and a pp server pool for simulations


      Default handler for 'pool started' events

      Default handler for 'start' events

      Default handler for 'result' events

      runs a simulation task


import cPickle
import os
import multiprocessing as mp
import sys

from simulations.base import Base
from simulations.base import withoptions
## pp stuff
#from simulations.utils.fake_server import Server as FakeServer
from simulations.utils.functions import random_string

[docs]class SimulationRunner(Base): """ Handles option parsing and a multiprocessing pool for simulations Parameters: simulation_class The class representing the :py:class:`~simulations.simulation.Simulation` to run Keyword Parameters: default_handlers Flag to set default event handlers for some events (default True) option_error_handler An error handler for the :py:class:`~simulations.optionparser.OptionParser` option_exit_handler An exit handler for the :py:class:`~simulations.optionparser.OptionParser` Public Methods: :py:meth:`~SimulationRunner.go` Kick off the batch of simulations Methods to Implement: :py:meth:`~simulations.base.Base._add_listeners` Set up event listeners for run events Events: done(this) emitted when results are totally done go(this) emitted when the :py:meth:`~SimulationRunner.go` method is called made output_dir(this) emitted if/when the output directory needs to be created oparser set up(this) emitted after the :py:class:`~simulations.utils.optionparser.OptionParser` is set up and able to add options options parsed(this) emitted after the :py:class:`~simulations.utils.optionparser.OptionParser` has parsed arguments pool started(this, pool) emitted after the :py:class:`multiprocessing.Pool` is set up result(this, result) emitted when a result is complete start(this) emitted just before the pool :py:meth:`~multiprocessing.Pool.imap_unordered` is called """ def __init__(self, simulation_class, *args, **kwdargs): """ Set up the simulation batch handler Parameters: simulation_class The class representing the :py:class:`~simulations.simulation.Simulation` to run Keyword Parameters: default_handlers Flag to set default event handlers for some events (default True) option_error_handler An error handler for the :py:class:`~simulations.optionparser.OptionParser` option_exit_handler An exit handler for the :py:class:`~simulations.optionparser.OptionParser` """ super(SimulationRunner, self).__init__(*args, **kwdargs) = {} self._task_dup_num = False self._simulation_class = simulation_class self.finished_count = 0 self.identifier = random_string()
[docs] def go(self, **kwdargs): """ Verify options and run the batch of simulations Keyword Parameters: option_args arguments to pass to the :py:class:`~simulations.optionparser.OptionParser`. Defaults to sys.argv[1:]. option_values target to put the values from the :py:class:`~simulations.optionparser.OptionParser` in (probably should not use) """ self.emit('go', self) if 'option_args' in kwdargs: option_args = kwdargs['option_args'] else: option_args = None if 'option_values' in kwdargs: option_values = kwdargs['option_values'] else: option_values = None ## pp stuff #if 'pp_modules' in kwdargs: # pp_modules = kwdargs['pp_modules'] #else: # pp_modules = () # #if 'pp_deps' in kwdargs: # pp_deps = kwdargs['pp_deps'] #else: # pp_deps = () (self.options, self.args) = self.oparser.parse_args(args=option_args, values=option_values) self._check_base_options() self.emit('options parsed', self) if not os.path.isdir(self.options.output_dir): self.emit('made output_dir', self) os.makedirs(self.options.output_dir, 0755) output_base = ("{0}" + os.sep + "{1}").format(self.options.output_dir, "{0}") stats = open(output_base.format(self.options.stats_file), "wb") ##pp stuff #serverlist = () # #if self.options.cluster_string: # serverlist = tuple(self.options.cluster_string.split(",")) # #if len(serverlist) > 1 or self.options.pool_size > 1: # pool = pp.Server(self.options.pool_size, # ppservers=serverlist, # secret=self.options.cluster_secret) #else: # pool = FakeServer(self.options.pool_size, # ppservers=serverlist, # secret=self.options.cluster_secret) pool = mp.Pool(self.options.pool_size) self.emit('pool started', self, pool) tasks_base = ([, i, None] for i in range(self.options.dup)) if self.options.file_dump: tasks = (task[:2] + [output_base.format(self.options.output_file.format(task[1] + 1))] for task in tasks_base) elif self.options.quiet: tasks = (task[:2] + [False] for task in tasks_base) else: tasks = (task for task in tasks_base) self.emit('start', self) def finish_run(this, out, result): """ The pp task callback to handle finished simulations Parameters: this a reference to self out the file-like object to which to print data result the result object returned by the simulation """ print >> out, cPickle.dumps(result) print >> out out.flush() this.finished_count += 1 this.emit('result', this, result) try: print >> stats, cPickle.dumps(self.options) print >> stats ## pp stuff #job_template = pp.Template(pool, run_simulation, # callback=finish_run, # callbackargs=(self, stats), # depfuncs=pp_deps, # modules=pp_modules, # group=self.identifier) # #for task in tasks: # job_template.submit(self._simulation_class(*task)) # #pool.wait(self.identifier) taskiter = ([self._simulation_class] + task for task in tasks) for result in pool.imap_unordered(run_simulation, taskiter): finish_run(self, stats, result) except KeyboardInterrupt: ## pp stuff #pool.destroy() pool.terminate() print "caught KeyboardInterrupt" sys.exit(1) stats.close() self.emit('done', self)
[docs] def _set_base_options(self): """ Set up the basic :py:class:`~simulations.optionparser.OptionParser` options. Calling this is handled by the decorator :py:func:`simulations.base.withoptions` Options: -D, --nofiledump Do not dump individual simulation output -F STRING, --filename=STRING Format string for file name of individual duplication output -N NUM, --duplications=NUM Number of trials to run -O DIR, --output=DIR Directory to which to output the results -P NUM, --poolsize=NUM Number of simultaneous trials -Q, --quiet Suppress all output except aggregate pickle dump -S FILE, --statsfile=FILE File name for aggregate, pickled output """ ## pp stuff (from docstring) # --cluster List of cluster servers to use via parallelpython # --clustersecret Password to access the cluster servers self.oparser.add_option("-N", "--duplications", type="int", action="store", dest="dup", default=1, help="number of duplications") self.oparser.add_option("-O", "--output", action="store", dest="output_dir", default="./output", help="directory to dump output files") self.oparser.add_option("-F", "--filename", action="store", dest="output_file", default="duplication_{0}", help="output file name template") self.oparser.add_option("-D", "--nofiledump", action="store_false", dest="file_dump", default=True, help="do not output duplication files") self.oparser.add_option("-S", "--statsfile", action="store", dest="stats_file", default="aggregate", help="file for aggregate stats") self.oparser.add_option("-P", "--poolsize", action="store", type="int", dest="pool_size", default=None, help="number of parallel computations") self.oparser.add_option("-Q", "--quiet", action="store_true", dest="quiet", default=False, help="suppress standard output") ## pp stuff #self.oparser.add_option("--cluster", action="store", type="string", # dest="cluster_string", default=None, # help="list of cluster servers") #self.oparser.add_option("--clustersecret", action="store", # type="string", dest="cluster_secret", # default=None, # help="password for the cluster")
[docs] def _check_base_options(self): """ Verify the values passed to the base options Checks: - Number of duplications is positive - Pool size is positive, if specified """ if not self.options.dup or self.options.dup <= 0: self.oparser.error("Number of duplications must be positive") ## pp stuff #if self.options.pool_size is None: # self.options.pool_size = 'autodetect' #elif self.options.pool_size < 0: if self.options.pool_size is not None and self.options.pool_size < 0: self.oparser.error("Pool size must be non-negative")
[docs] def _add_default_listeners(self): """ Sets up default listeners for various events Events Handled: - pool started - :py:func:`default_pool_handler` - start - :py:func:`default_start_handler` - result - :py:func:`default_result_handler` """ self.on('pool started', default_pool_handler) self.on('start', default_start_handler) self.on('result', default_result_handler)
[docs]def run_simulation(task): """ A simple function to run a :py:class:`~simulations.simulation.Simulation`. Used with the multiprocessing pool. Parameters: task An instance of a :py:class:`~simulations.simulation.Simulation` to run """ klass = task.pop(0) sim = klass(*task) return #return
[docs]def default_result_handler(this, result, out=None): """ Default handler for the 'result' event Parameters: this a reference to a :py:class:`SimulationRunner` instance result the result object from the :py:class:`~simulations.simulation.Simulation` out the file descriptor to print to """ if out is None: out = sys.stdout if not this.options.quiet: print >> out, result print >> out, "done #{0}".format(this.finished_count)
[docs]def default_pool_handler(this, pool, out=None): """ Default handler for the 'pool started' event Parameters: this a reference to a :py:class:`SimulationRunner` instance pool the :py:class:`multiprocessing.Pool` that was started out the file descriptor to print to """ if out is None: out = sys.stdout if not this.options.quiet: ## pp stuff #print >> out, "Pool Started: {0} workers".format(pool.get_ncpus()) try: pool_size = pool._processes except AttributeError: if this.options.pool_size is None: pool_size = mp.cpu_count() else: pool_size = this.options.pool_size print >> out, "Pool Started: {0} workers".format(pool_size)
[docs]def default_start_handler(this, out=None): """ Default handler for the 'start' event Parameters: this a reference to a :py:class:`SimulationRunner` instance out the file descriptor to print to """ if out is None: out = sys.stdout if not this.options.quiet: print >> out, "Running {0} duplications.".format(this.options.dup)
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